New Moon Goddess Circle April 28, "Voices of Venus: Song of the Women, Song of the Flowers"

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New Moon Goddess Circle April 28, "Voices of Venus: Song of the Women, Song of the Flowers"

A women's mini-retreat for the New Moon in Taurus: Monday April 28, 7:30-9:15pm EDT. 

Guest presenter Shaela Noella, a singer and director of women's choirs, will help us tune into the "song" of Mother Earth through our voices!

Guided meditation, journaling, sharing, and ritual intention-setting will help you connect with "voice" of the Divine Feminine within you!

The Zoom link will be emailed to you when you register. You are welcome to attend live on Zoom and/or participate through the recording, which will be shared with all who register.

This is an official Wild Woman Project circle. We warmly welcome all who identify as women to gather with us!

Total due $44

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